Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Jthm Johnny The Homicidal Maniac Johnny The Homicidal Maniac!?

Johnny the homicidal maniac!? - jthm johnny the homicidal maniac

I am in eighth grade and I will Seveth comics Johnny the homicidal maniac. Do you think this is normal.
I am very mature for my age (which is probably why I'm the outcast), and I do not think really care about blasphemy and violence.
But no one except a few people I know have heard of JTHM ...


Vivid Tangerine! said...

I see nothing wrong with it. I'm 10 and my cousin the same age as you and I have recently JtHM my book. While you are mature enough to understand that only the fiction that no conclusions on the life and do not rotate every time you have a bad word or blood splatters, you ready to go.

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