Monday, February 1, 2010

Blogspot Gays Move Rapidshare Should The GOP Officials Be Allowed To Break PROSTITUTION LAWS When They Are GAY?

Should the GOP officials be allowed to break PROSTITUTION LAWS when they are GAY? - blogspot gays move rapidshare ...

State Representative Richard Curtis (R - La Center) is out of the closet of a woman - women's clothing and fantasy - if the police discover identified in his room at the Davenport Tower with a man as Cody Castagna, 26 Medical Lake a prostitute he met at the Hollywood Erotic Boutique on 26 October.
The search warrant says

They are against gay marriage, but are for purposes of sexual offense arrest. Why?


Captain said...

I'm confused, this is a question about Jim McGreevey, but somehow encrypted? Or is it more directly related to Barney Frank? In any case, I think prostitution should maintain law and homosexuals should have the same rights as others.

VeggieTart -- Praise Seitan! said...

His religion and values to teach that homosexuality is abnormal and unfair. To tell your body, heart and mind anything else. So these guys are locked in a battle with himself - not to mention deep in denial about. It is said that some of the worst homophobes secretly gay - all homosexuals, because they internalized negative messages and perverse because they are trying to ban on this side of himself.

Except for a bad choice of roommates in the 1980s, Barney Frank, an openly gay man, has remained more or less clean your nose, right? Liberals and moderates will be less careful about their sexuality, and less likely to feel ashamed, and therefore vulnerable.

Steve C said...

Since the best way to hide the fact that you are gay and completeness are against gay rights.

thequeen... said...

Good question, but ask yourself this. Why is it that when a Republican senator heterosexual (ie, breaks Senator Vitter) to the laws on prostitution, has welcomed back into their ranks with open arms and everyone is singing, "sorry, sorry!" and propagated every excuse in the book

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